Social Media Management services are currently unavailable while we work to put the appropriate team of reliable, qualified individuals in place.

$2 per page

Standard rate: $1 per page, $150 minimum        

Up to 300 pages: $30       301-600 pages: $50       600+ pages: Contact us for rates.

Social Media Management: Public engagment is the key to reaching new customers. A large social media footprint is critical to bulding a fanbase in this day and age. Our experienced team will help you establish a solid online presence and generate legitimate, active followers. Our professional social media influencers will promote your product effectivly and tap into a vast sea of potential customers within your target audience. If needed, one of our experts can take the reins and handle the work for you.

Graphic Design: Need a logo? We'll connect you with one of our professional graphic designers to help get you what you need. You will negotiate terms and rates directly with the graphic designer, which may vary depending on the specifics.

Artwork: Whether you need interior artwork, cover art, or a full graphic novel, we will connect you with one of our staff artists who can fullfil all your needs. You will negotiate directly with our artist to arrange rates and deadlines, as these may vary greatly depending on the specifics of each assignment.

Line Editing: Also known as formatting and proofreading, this is the final step before you go to print. This is where your layout is finalized, the page numbers set, and all the spacing is corrected. It is also the final chance to catch any errors that might have been missed in the previous editing steps. If applicable, your manuscript will also be listend to in audio format as well, to ensure it all sounds good to the ear.

Copy Editing: One of our experienced pros will read through your manuscript in detail, and correct spelling and grammer errors, identify issues in phrasing or wording, check for continutity conflicts, ensure overall flow of the work, and check for misused or overused words. This is a two-pass process, meaning the editor will read and correct the entire manuscript twice to ensure quality.

Beta Reading: One of our experienced writers will read your manuscript carefully and provide detailed, constructive feedback that will help steer you in the right direction. This is general feedback with a few technical recommendations, with just a few creative suggestions. This focuses on writing style, pacing, and flow, rather than specific story elements. In general, someone will tell you if the writing is good or not, and how you may improve the work. 


The Global Syndicate has a team of experienced editors, artists, and other talented pros standing by to handle all your needs at an affordable rate, with a rapid turn-around time. We're not greedy, and understand that you can't afford to pay the insane rates charged by the industry big-boys. 

Let us know what need, and we will have one of our professional graphic designers contact you right away.

Contact us with a brief descriotion of your artwork needs (cover, interior art, comic book, etc.) Be sure to include genre and art style desired. We will forward it to the appropriate artist, and that person will contact you as soon as possible.