Hero Protocol: Weight of the World
2024-03-29 11:28
Shadow Valley Stories - available now!
2023-05-27 13:31 Shadow Valley Stories is available now! 12 short tales of horror and fantasy, each emotionally disturbing in its own unique way. Killers, demons, evil spirits, spitefull gods, and rampaging hippies ar...
Hero Protocol - Dark Tide
2023-04-13 13:36 Hero Protocol - Dark Tide is now available! The first full-length novel from Global Syndicate Publications and author C.L.Bedell, bringing life to Paul Bobbitt's Hero Protocol Franchise! This is a...
Hero Protocol Update!!!
2023-04-09 18:27 The book is complete. The last minute changes are finished. And the brand new cover design is ready (along with stunning are for the back cover as well!) Awaiting the proof copy now, and Hero Protocol...